MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - Operations Feedback Systems (OFS) a leading provider of real time productivity improvement software together with Campari Australia today set a new record for the fastest ever installation and operational uptake of OFS software - 5.75 days!

Mr. Brett Carey, Plant Director at Campari Australia, commented on the project:

OFS is a product that is fit for purpose. It is the right size for what we actually need. Clearly defined team roles, having the required depth of knowledge to focus on the installation, together with outstanding leadership provided accountability and inspiration for both OFS and Campari. This was key to the outstanding pace of this install and there was no waiting for decisions or direction. Put simply, it's the passion & desire for success.

To set a target is an easy thing but to hold yourself accountable to it is another.

It is with excitement and pride to also see that the operators are already engaged in using the system, even though it is only day 1 & 2 of our launch of OFS software. The fact that our teams have not even been trained yet proves that this product is best practice and its title is very appropriate.

Mr Shoni Even-Chaim, founder of OFS commented on setting a new project record:

Setting a record like this is a credit to absolutely everyone involved. People rarely believe us when we describe how quickly things can happen and projects like this excite everyone that is involved!

It’s always great to hear that we have terrific software, that meets our clients needs. This is what we work hard at ! But, another thing that is just as great, is to on-board our software with the smoothest glide possible. In industry, people are used to software projects taking months or even years. We get to see ours done in days, which is terrific, but still, that’s only the start. To actually see an installation done in days, and then immediately put to use by our clients, making them money - that’s simply spectacular.


About OFS: (

OFS is an Australian company specialising in productivity and efficiency improvement software for global manufacturing enterprises. Tens of thousands of operators are using OFS technologies in dozens of industries. Customers of OFS include: Mondelez, Coca-Cola Amatil, Asahi Beverages, Campari Group, Electrolux, AstraZeneca, Aspen Pharma, Heinz, Orora, Dulux Group, Unilever, Goodman Fielder, PACT Group, Labelmakers, Visy Industries, Murray Goulburn, Tatura, Sanitarium, Standard Can, Thai Beverage and more.

About Campari Group: (

Gruppo Campari is a major player in the global branded beverage industry, with a portfolio of over 50 premium and super premium brands marketed and distributed in over 190 countries worldwide.